 06 February, 2025

Charlie Puth Horoscope Birth Chart

Birth Date December 02, 1991
Birth Place Rumson, Township in New Jersey, United States of America
Birth Time 9:51 AM
Rashi Libra
Birth Nakshatra Chitra
Ascendant Sagittarius
Rising Nakshatra Mula

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Astro Details

Basic Details
Charlie Puth
Date Of Birth
December 02, 1991
Time of Birth
9:51 AM
Rumson, Township in New Jersey, United States of America
Panchang Details
Tithi Krishna Dwadashi
Yog Saubhgya
Nakshatra Chitra
Karan Taitil
Sunrise 06:59:54
Sunset 16:32:09
Astro Details
Ascendant Sagittarius
Varna Shoodra
Vashya Maanav
Yoni Vyaaghra
Gan Rakshasa
Paya Silver

Charlie Puth Horoscope Chart

Planets R Sign Sign Lord Degree Nakshatra Nakshatra Lord House
Sun - Scorpio Mars 226.17263885887 Anuradha Saturn 12
Moon - Libra Venus 185.33796653588 Chitra Mars 11
Mars - Scorpio Mars 218.75797410688 Anuradha Saturn 12
Mercury R Scorpio Mars 239.09896754347 Jyeshtha Mercury 12
Jupiter - Leo Sun 139.6304566923 Purva Phalguni Venus 9
Venus - Libra Venus 181.99966427675 Chitra Mars 11
Saturn - Capricorn Saturn 279.15339536046 Uttra Shadha Sun 2
Rahu R Sagittarius Jupiter 257.61356233113 Purva Shadha Venus 1
Ketu R Gemini Mercury 77.61356233113 Ardra Rahu 7
Ascendant R Sagittarius Jupiter 264.21023294579 Purva Shadha Venus 1


Astrological Analysis of Charlie Puth


Name: Charlie Puth

Date of Birth: December 2, 1991

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Rising Sign (Ascendant): Likely Gemini (exact birth time needed for confirmation)

Moon Sign: Libra

Zodiac Birthstone: Turquoise (Sagittarius birthstone)


Planetary Highlights in Charlie Puth’s Natal Chart

1. Sun in Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius Sun, Charlie is naturally optimistic, adventurous, and philosophical. These traits manifest in his ability to take risks in his music, embracing genres and styles that defy convention. Sagittarians love to explore, and his journey in the music industry reflects his curiosity and thirst for creative expression.

2. Moon in Libra

Charlie’s Moon in Libra enhances his charm and emotional intelligence, making him exceptionally skilled at connecting with others on a personal and emotional level. This placement supports his songwriting ability, as he can deeply tap into themes of love, relationships, and harmony.

3. Venus (Love and Art):

Likely in Scorpio or Sagittarius, Venus adds depth and passion to his artistic expression. His songs often capture the intensity of relationships and emotional connections, which resonate deeply with his fans.

4. Mars (Drive and Energy):

Mars in a mutable sign like Virgo or Sagittarius amplifies his work ethic and passion for perfection in his craft. Charlie’s attention to detail in producing music stems from this placement.

5. Mercury (Communication and Intellect):

Mercury in Capricorn might explain his disciplined approach to songwriting and his ability to articulate emotions in relatable ways. This placement supports his technical prowess in music production.


Key Astrological Traits

1. Creative Adventurer:

Sagittarius energy inspires Charlie to explore new sounds and collaborate with a variety of artists. He is not afraid to step out of his comfort zone and experiment in his career.

2. Relationship Oriented:

With a Libra Moon, Charlie is deeply invested in relationships, both personal and professional. His songwriting frequently reflects his romantic side, capturing the complexities of love.

3. Perfectionist Tendencies:

Influences from Mars and Mercury suggest a strong desire for perfection, particularly in his craft. This explains why Charlie often dives deeply into the technical aspects of music production.


Significant Events and Astrological Patterns

1. Musical Genius:

His Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Libra combine to create a balance between adventurous creativity and emotional sensitivity. This makes him an exceptional songwriter and producer.

2. Romantic Influences in His Music:

Charlie’s ability to write heartfelt songs about love is enhanced by the Libra Moon, which focuses on harmony and emotional depth.

3. Artistic Evolution:

Jupiter’s influence in his chart signifies growth and expansion, particularly in his career. This aligns with his constant evolution as an artist, embracing new challenges and opportunities.


Charlie Puth’s Zodiac Birthstone

Turquoise (Sagittarius Birthstone):

Turquoise represents communication, creativity, and healing. For Charlie, this gemstone may enhance his ability to express emotions through music and maintain balance in his fast-paced life.


Spirit Animal and Angel Numbers

Spirit Animal:

Charlie’s spirit animal could be the Wolf, symbolizing loyalty, intuition, and leadership. Wolves are known for their ability to balance independence with social connection, mirroring Charlie’s personality.

Angel Numbers:

222: Signifying balance and harmony, reflecting Charlie’s Libra Moon and his quest for equilibrium in relationships and life.

444: A number of stability and creative foundations, guiding him as he builds his legacy in the music industry.

555: Representing transformation and embracing change, resonating with his adaptability and willingness to explore new artistic paths.


Compatibility in Love and Relationships

Ideal Partner:

Charlie’s Sagittarius Sun seeks someone adventurous and free-spirited, while his Libra Moon desires harmony and emotional connection. His ideal partner would be someone who balances these qualities, offering excitement and stability.

Astrological Matches:

Aries and Leo: These fire signs align with his adventurous and passionate nature.

Libra and Aquarius: Air signs complement his creativity and intellectual curiosity.

Gemini: As a mutable air sign, Gemini matches his adaptability and love for communication.


Lessons from Charlie Puth’s Chart

1. Stay Curious:

His Sagittarius Sun teaches us the importance of exploring new horizons and embracing challenges with optimism.

2. Value Relationships:

The Libra Moon emphasizes the need to nurture meaningful connections and strive for harmony in personal and professional life.

3. Channel Perfectionism Positively:

Mars and Mercury placements remind us to use perfectionism as a tool for growth rather than a source of stress.

Charlie Puth’s natal chart is a testament to his dynamic personality, combining Sagittarius’ adventurous energy with Libra’s emotional intelligence. His ability to captivate audiences through his music, emotional depth, and creative spirit highlights the influence of astrology on his journey. From exploring new sounds to forming deep connections, Charlie’s chart reflects the qualities of a true artistic visionary.

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